Amuebla Rent Madrid · (+34) 696 477 602 · info@amueblarent.es
The blog by Amuebla Rent

Ten big questions before starting a deco project


Some may seem obvious, such as how many people live in the house or if you have a decoration style that you prefer to follow. But the secret is that some others show up in the first meeting with you: our future client.

The first time we meet is one of the most important, where you will perceive the raport —in addition to the budge— working together to start —or not— on a new project.

It happens to all of us that we are all clients, patients or collaborators and we understand what it is to be on each side of a work relationship. Trust is, undoubtedly, essential.

Then it is also important for us: information and transparency.

Here are the ten items we need to know about

  1. How many people live in the house?
  2. Do you have pets?
  3. Is there any person with special needs?
  4. What are your hobbies? Reading, listening to music, playing billiards, etc.
  5. Which styles of decoration would you like more? Which don ́t?
  6. Do you have any pieces of art are you going to take to your new home?
  7. What color are the walls and floor, what material: porcelain, wood, marble?
  8. Are you allergic to any fabrics or are there any materials they don’t like?
  9. Do you have pieces of furniture that you want to keep, how many, which ones?
  10. Please tell us an approximate budget you have in mind.
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